Monday, 26 May 2014

Sissinghurst after the rain

Typically a bank holiday weekend means rain & true to form a family trip to Vita Sackville-West's Sissinghurst Castle & gardens began with a heavy downpour. Luckily the rain held off for the rest of our visit & we got to enjoy these beautiful rambling gardens, which shun rigid planting schemes.

Here a a few of my favourite pics...

I'll leave you with a quote from Vita on one of my favourite flowers, the rose.

"Sissinghurst lent itself kindly to their untidy, lavish habit; there was space a plenty with the walls to frame their exuberance. Roses may be found growing in a jungle, sprawling, intertwining, barely tamed & foaming in an unorthodox way"

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Dulwich Festival Artists' Open Houses 2014

It's been an embarrassingly long time since I last posted a blog, but I've had a house move & a new job role to settle into, so here we are in May 2014.

I've had a flutter of arty weekends recently what with David Hockney's prints, the fabulous Matisse cut-outs & most recently visiting a couple of artists' houses through the Dulwich festival open house scheme.

I think my long-standing love of print has been re-kindled seeing a working studio in all it's colourful glory, not to mention a severe dollop of mid-century house envy.

Here are a few pics of the fabulous Roddy & Ginger range...

Plus this lovely cushion found a new home. 

More on that to follow...