Friday, 18 June 2010

Handmade installment 3!

So you now know that I love all things red & fuchsia. However variety is the spice of life & so I thought I ought to offer something a little more neutral.

Still featuring hearts, flowers & stars, here's a sneaky peek of the monochrome group...

Thursday, 17 June 2010

The handmade story continues...

So the flower theme continues, along with introducing another of my favourite things- the colour red. It's been a long-standing passion, my university final collection (too many years ago!) was a combination of red & fuchsia pink (another fabulous colour, which I'm sure will feature prominently in this blog).

I might add the odd fancy grosgrain ribbon to these pieces, but take a peek at the progress so far...

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

The handmade story so far...

You may have seen that I sell handmade jewellery on Etsy & Folksy as well as the bought-in goodies in our Cherry & Joy boutique. Well, in preparation for a couple of forthcoming markets, I've had a flurry of creativity & phase 1 of new handmade stock is well underway!

Here's a few pics of the works in progress, let me know your thoughts...

For these first pieces I've concentrated on an amber & gold theme with floral, heart & star motifs. Along with bows, as I mentioned in a previous post, these are a few of my favourite things. As a gardening fanatic (yes you heard me right) I'm sure there'll be more to come in this blog about flowers!